The last overnight train we took was from Chang Mai to Bangkok and took about 13 hours. This was my favourite of all the journeys we took in Asia it was fab! Each carriage of the other trains we have caught were sectioned off into dorm rooms of 4 bunks, whereas this one was a carriage that had seats and tables that transformed very efficiently into beds so the whole carriage turned into one large dormitory. The guard of this train was hilarious, always singing and having funny conversations with all of us, we even got food!
When we got into Bangkok It was strange because I felt like I was home, back to a familia setting where I knew where the best street Pad Thai was and I could just relax by the pool. So that’s what we did we ate and sat in the sun for the remaining 2 days before all heading our separate ways. It was lovely to have some time to relax, this whole trip has been eye opening and interesting but not relaxing… So just sitting in the sun for a while was needed.
We headed out for our awkward final group meal on a roof top bar down the road from the hotel . It was a great place to eat just for the night scenery of the city, we were right by the river so you could watch the floating night restaurants drifting past it was lovely. I’m glad this trip has ended although I’ve met some fantastic people and seen a lot I think that’s the last group trip I’ll take, traveling solo is definitely more suited to me! Now just 18 hours and I’ll be back in Birmingham and on to the next adventure! (I can’t wait!)







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