I have finally watched moonrise kingdom and I’m very glad I did! Wes Anderson’s fantastic films have been favourites of mine for a while from The Life Aquatic to Fantastic Mr Fox. This completely enchanting and beautifully stylised movie is another of Anderson’s triumphs.

In Moonrise Kingdom he takes us back to 1965, in a little coastal town in New England called New Penzance. This young love film is enchanting; I love Anderson’s ability to style his movies so beautifully the houses look like giant dolls houses, which helps to create a quirky and heartfelt story.

Its magical and romantic the ’60s schoolgirl vibe of young Suzy, played by Kaya Hayward. Demure dresses with contrasting collars and cuffs, knee-high socks, classic black-and-white saddle oxfords ahh swoon I think I will have to make some changes to my spring wardrobe!

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