The beginning of my future, I have found a studio finally after much searching… it’s above a lovely tearoom in a village in the Cotswolds. This little village is an idyllic setting for my first workspace and I’m so thankful to the lovely owners for letting me use this space for my freelance work.

The place hadn’t been lived in for about 5 years so it needed a bit of TLC! I have given it a good clean and painted it white to freshen it up. There were so many layers of old wallpaper I decided to have a dig on two walls and loved the look of all the years worth of colours and patterns so I left it to remind me that I’m one of many who has been lucky enough to be in this setting.

Along the way I have taken a few photos its still not quite finished so there will be more to come…But my machines are in and the pattern cutting table is ready cant wait to start creating in my own space!

(mountain cushions are for sale on my shop)

(the beautiful candle was from the lovely



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